Tech Talk

IT-Corridor IT-301

Speaker 1

Rules & Regulations

Participants have to select the topic on the spot (Individually).

Each of the participants will be given an amount of 5 to 8 minutes to prepare for the topic they have selected.

Each participant might be allotted a specific amount of time to present their talk.

The presentation format should be delivered with a clear understanding and the language of delivering your talk must be in English.

Criteria for evaluating presentations, such as clarity of communication, depth of technical content, creativity, and engagement with the audience.

Each of the participants is shortlisted based on the points they scored.

The Topics will be chosen on the spot with 2 or 3 minutes to prep.

The Checkmate for each of the final participants is to answer the questions raised by jury and audience.

The time limit of 8 to 10 minutes and exceeding or involving in immoral activities will lead to disqualification.


Round: 01 (Prelims)

Round: 02 (Finals)